Frequently Asked Questions
- What is bioremediation?
This refers to any method that uses microbes to recycle organic materials.
- What exactly are oil-eating microbes?
They are microbes that have been collected from natural water and soil sources around the world. They are selected for their particular affinity for consuming hydrocarbon-based pollutants.
- Do the microbes need extra special treatment?
They only need what most forms of life need: oxygen, water, food (hydrocarbon) and an acceptable temperature (28° - 140°F) and pH (5.5 – 10.0).
- What happens to the microbes after the oil or fuel has been consumed?
The microbes will either die, return to former natural concentration levels, or be eaten by other organisms.
- What are the final by-products?
Carbon dioxide, water, trace carbon, fatty acids, and bacterial cells.
- How rapidly does it work?
The microbes begin working immediately, once activated by salt water or fresh water. Remediation times vary from several hours to several weeks depending on the type and concentration of the hydrocarbon. For example, light fuels floating on water will be gone within a few hours. Heavy crude oil in soil will require several months.
- Is it safe?
Yes, these products are 100% environmentally safe, non-toxic, and contain no pathogens.
- Are the microbes dangerous to my health?
No, microbes are found everywhere in the environment, and are the original recyclers of organic materials. The average human adult carries approximately 3 lbs. of microbes on and in the body.
- What happens if I ingest or inhale the products?
It will taste like mud, and could make you sneeze, but it is non-toxic and harmless.